Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Elizabeth Kracht 2022 Events

Here is a list of where to find me through September of 2022. I'm offering a few virtual and in-person events, and I'll be at a few conferences as well. I hope to see you at one or more!



June 11th (Virtual) Book Passage Bookstore “How to Find a Literary Agent”


June 16th at Santa Cruz Public Library “Self-Editing for Fiction Writers”


June 18th (Virtual) Book Passage Bookstore “How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal”


June 23rd at Santa Cruz Public Library “How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal”


June 25th (Virtual) Book Passage Bookstore “Self-Editing for Fiction and Memoir Writers”


June 30th at Santa Cruz Public Library “How to Find a Literary Agent”


July 21-24 San Francisco Writers Conference


August 5-7 Book Passage Mystery Writers Conference


September 2-5 Oklahoma City WriterCon 2022


September 23-25 (Virtual) Pacific Northwest Writers Association Conference